Sunday, 14 June 2015

How to Remember What You Read

You are in a fix before your friend or in the exam hall  because you cannot remember what you read in the immediate past or remote past or previous night. This short memory  is largely responsible for your tension and this is common phenomenon  in your life. The case is not only true for you but also it happens to many. So your great aspiration is to capture  the secrets how to remember what you read. It is a matter that connected with the issues of techniques and tips that help you remembering things.  To find out  clues, notice what happens around you and improve pretension are the major factors that work in line with remembrance. So you can go through the following steps.

You start skimming information slowly at first. You need to do it because you require remembering what you read. It is important to note that you should not use it as a primary need for absorbing information, but always use it as a preparation for gathering clues.  Think that's how  a machine  trains the eyes to scan to select the meaning and context rather than picking up smaller lettering arrangement.  Its speed of reading and deep in concentration is great.

It is hoped you develop your habit of snapping the eyes or cross down the page to read word groups rather than single words.  You go for practice and gradually the familiar ones.

It is a good idea to categorize and associate information that you need with other knowledge in your life.  You target to establish familiar cues for a trading facts.

The exam is approaching.  So You read books for the exam. It is a great idea if you take things’ notes on significant facts and mention it while reading. It would be nice if you say the words to allow to hear yourself and communicate with the memory.  It is necessary for developing more accuracy.

Study with purpose and confidence is a crucial factor . Interaction is a great way for better comprehending. You can judge your reading materials that you have read.  You can underline all important findings. There might be phrased for simply identifying  and grow your sight question and  help to reinforce  the content. It is better to highlight everything.

Visualization works  great to create a deep impression in your mind. So why don’t you visualize the stages with a name with the page that have to be remembered and also link important days  of your assignment by mentally  and  picturing  calendar events, birthdays and holidays. The memory would be recharged and evolved centering your talents that you have.

It would be more effective to concentrate with purpose with one thing at a time. It may be a paragraph or a sentence or a word  and disallow any distraction focusing on the meaning.

Discussion in the group on the topic or the lesson that you learnt is a good way to sharpen your memory. From that point of view peer share and group discussion  are being given high importance.
Remembering what you read is significantly important to demonstrate yourself well. You need to remember vital information to convince others by presenting informative logic.  What is most focusing point here to remember what you read.

How to remember what you read is a secret which you need to know to unlock huge potential to expose your genius.  The genius that you really hold and use it to reap the best benefit. The benefits that bring a quality life.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

How to Improve Your Concentration

Capturing  easily  any instruction or lesson or idea described by others is a great human quality that all desire to have.  The secret of clear comprehending  lies in the concentration that you possess. This desired inherent quality that you think lack could be well improved.  You open a new avenue to look what is the best to follow.

Step – 01  The problem with concentration.
You do a lot of activities in your daily life. What you do is related to your power of concentration. Why do you think that you have a constraint in focusing attentively? You can not ignore necessity of focusing and concentrating particular aspect  as  every single second of every day you are  concentrating.  You always concentrate  the objects that you handle. You look for perfection by handling efficiently. Your concentration is superb and give your full attention to the particular topic. You have to learn to focus.

Step –2 Mental fitness
I like to say about the state of mind. It is immensely important. Your mental fitness is worth mentioning point. It is necessary to keep brain tranquil.  If your brain starts attaching with toxic thoughts  and you are continuously  focusing there too long , you won’t concentrate. To make it fit you have to do the kind of gymnasium. You better drive you mind to quiz, riddle, puzzles and intelligent activity . It is all about brain teasing activity. You have to think analytically, strategically, and creatively that  will  make your brain capable of phenomenal  focus and attention and concentration

Step –03    Be a solution finder

You require to regard the brain a problem solving organ. It would stimulate your brain function. It is important to note that the brain is not a problem solver primarily , it is a solution finder if you try to find a solution in any circumstances that you face. You need to be positive and optimistic.

The achievement that you desire in your life largely depend on how you finish your activity. There exists relation between your concentration and accomplishment of work. Improving concentration is a factor that produce a quality of work.  It involves with deep understanding and enrichment of clear ideas.

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Thursday, 30 April 2015

How To Use A Mind Map

A mind map is an innovative way to make your  brain more active and effective. It is your brain that direct you to solve the problem in an efficient way. Mind mapping is a revolutionary approach which is believed to be more efficient and conventional method of writing notes and ideas. It has been illustrated here how you can develop mind mapping.

Step –01 The problems with note taking
The process is an easy one. You consider yourself  to be a student. The students are engaged in plenty of student activities.  The greater part of the mind mapping strategy has been started from your study area. The study area that might be your college campus or university premises. What you need to do at first is to  examine your current notes. You are busy with lining pages with color pens, making verbal notes, skimming finger color where is the key information, key words, your specific objects that all you are highlighting. You have chalked out your priority and marked it. You point out the specific dimensional structures in an organized way.

Step –02 Developing mind maps
You go forward to find out the association.  The association between lines, words and your key ideas, chapter heading. It would lead you to connect key ideas with the center of the page. It helps to explore more information. 

Step –03  using mind maps
You can use mind maps for monitoring, you can use mind map for increasing brain activity, and brain functioning, because the mind map allows you to explore like a  super nova star that are making your list of brainstorming ideas, which is never to become to star catering hold. Anyway, because of its anti brain, Mind maps explore with your ideas, things to do start it using,  and all your thinking areas   when you use your brain design to be used could things happen.

The very approach of how to use a mind map start with plenty of activities. Your mindset of mind map stir your thinking process. The process of action turns in to a volume of innovative works. So it happens and starts these ways.

Friday, 24 April 2015

How To Use The Brain More Effectively

Your brain is mysterious as well as complex. Though it is mysterious and complex, this wonderful organ can be yours.  You can build a wonderful and faithful relationship. Your brain can compare your brain to a computer even but you will have to know how to use the brain effectively.
Step-1     understand  the power of your brain.
You need to keep a great faith in your brain.  You have the potential for genius. At the beginning I have mentioned its huge capacity. I like to repeat that the human brain is far more powerful than the computer and its potential is still not known. So brilliance is a potential for everyday.

Step -2  Drive your brain to work.
Do you know you can drive  your brain to work ? You know what you intend to do. You know what your liking is.  You know what you feel free to do. Your brain is like a fertile meadow and like a young child. So when you drive your brain to work, you will see its efficiency improving. You can go into the library, attend entertainment gatherings and walk out in a book fair . Your brain will reward you. Which is even you know now, could not believe you so.

Step -3  Use your left and right brain.
Your brain is your kingdom and I mean the space that you own. So you need to use every part of it. Left side of the brain is  dominant in the following kinds of skills. Words, numbers, lines, list, logic,
Analysis, left side skills, right side tends to be dominant in rhythm, in color, in special awareness, in imagery, in day dreams.  The brain offers best creation that relates to argument, different  verse ,rhyming, puzzles and so on

Step-4  Daydream
 What you think by day is invaluable. The daydream focuses competency as well as sometimes  related to bad academy potential.  It can  bring you pinnacle of success . The great geniuses did something different. The day dream picks rather have a big vision.

Step -5  Recap
Have  the attitude that you can , believe that your brain can. Then day dream, whatever you want to come true and then walk  to make a come true, that‘s brilliant  and anyone can do it.

To use your brain effectively can be a great way to your achievement.  The achievement that demonstrates your successful use of brain activity. The activity that determines your progress and prosperity.

Friday, 23 January 2015

The Best Ways That Can Help You To Reduce Your Stress & Anxiety

You feel that you are in a grip of serious frustration. The frustration  well connected to your stress and anxiety is slowing down your life spirit and decaying you physically, mentally and emotionally. You like to see the  light of hope  to save yourself from  that curse. So you need to explore the best ways or options or alternate sources that can help you to reduce your stress and anxiety. You desire to be more productive and lead your life wonderfully.

To much stress in your life over a long period of time  can lead to anxiety  disorder in your life . It is like panic attack, phobia  and compulsive disorder. It can also lead physical health problem and unavoidable behavior. If you try to reduce your stress and anxiety,  It can lead your ability to lead life more  authentically  and enjoy  the present moment. The first step of reducing stress is understanding what is anxiety and how it does impacts in your life . Anxiety is a normal response  to stressful situation that includes the feeling of worry , nervousness, apprehension and nervousness. And mild  anxiety  can be uncomfortable.  More severe anxiety can dramatically impact in your everyday life.

It is also important to notice here that sometimes anxiety goes a long sight depression. So both need to be addressed  if this is the case , Anxiety impact on three level. So let starts with the  physiological level, anxiety can produce headache, heart palpitation, muscle contraction, stomachache and  diarrhea. Your ability to difficulty concentrating,  trembling sweating , calming , restless, difficulty to getting sleep,  frequent irritation  be easily startled.  Panic attack can include shortness of breath and  dizziness . The second way the anxiety that can impact you is through behaviors you might avoid  everyday situation to try minimize your stress level.   It can also get  the way your ability to building to act  to sort your need  and express yourselves . The third category is psychological. It can actually increase your renunciation and obsession about your fear.

You might learn to catastrophe  and  prepared for the worst case scenario and it can increase yourselves judgments and critic . So you put together a list of  ways to less stress  that you can take yourselves on. Feel free to include the things that help  you to put in common section  below

So lets starts of with the breathe. Often time when you are in stress, out breath is contracted  and you need to take a deep breath fully entire lungs and abdominal and then release it. And that can make a huge impact on your stress level . The next step can be to make sure that can be even adequate exercise, good  nutrition and adequate sleep. You need to make sure that you are balancing  your work and life. Taking break  along the way  that you need and   also using  relaxation technique that you might have learnt. Some people taking yoga or meditating really helps a lot . And   it is also important to make sure that you are avoiding  any kind of caffeine that can increase your stress and anxiety  and conversely not taking depressing  alcohol too much to  get in a way over sleep or exhaust  over   your depression. Whatever ways getting out to need  nature and hiking,  listening to music. Your nerves are creating or seeing art taking a breathe.   To calm down and relax can be incredible important to reducing stress.

Ways to reducing stress by utilizing yout side  resources can include getting support  from trust worthy people. You   might  see acupuncture treatment or talk to psycho therapist or   you might want to see a medical doctor or natural pathology physicians. Begin  taking entire anxiety, medication for appropriate time or herbal homeopathic treatment  are the keys  here. You don’t have to go alone. You can utilize resources of other people in life . Even providing specially if  your  anxiety feels like a  out of control  or you need an extra help and attention to address it Notice the level of stress or anxiety  you have in your life and deal it appropriately. So options are many. It needs to take the best one that suits you.


Monday, 19 January 2015

The Helpful Tips For Workplace Stress Solution

Stress is a decision but how you deal with it.  Today I am going to share with you how you can be a master  to deal the situation with one effective exercise. According to a poll , 50% of  workers reported that they feel a great deal of stress on the job but what causes work place stress. Are you  getting struck with too much work piling upon your desk ?  You need to have all done these in five minutes. May be, you are getting criticized constantly and never praised.  It also happens when your job is too easy. You are just simply not challenged and inspired.

Stress comes from all sides. A stressful work environment  can have a significant impact on your health. The American Heart Association found that people who reported experiencing  job related  stress have  high blood pressure that tested 10% higher than those  that did not have  experience job stress. The study also found that  the people who are in stressed maintain their high blood pressure even after gone home. Although  non-stress participants, their blood pressure drop when they leave the office . The British Medical Journal that have 15 years  experience on work stress  and they found  that the people who have reported being over works and  unable to meet date line  was twice likely to get   type two diabetics those who feel, they are  able to meet the date line. So whether you are AP, HR or Upper Management , the tips described here might be helpful in a greater way.  There is  no way to avoid stress. You have a choice to react in a healthy way. Stress is a circumstance but you are a force . There are really  only three possible reaction to bad situation. For moving yourself from the situation , changing the situation or accepting the situation.

Remove, change and accept are three important factors that helps you to deal the matter more confidently . Now think of  the  five most stressful situation in your current work place. It might include your salary, your boss, your co-worker or your  out put.  Start by  placing stressors  in each category, start with larger one like your salary. You do have the decision, (a)to remove yourself from your  current work place and find a better job. (b) Change the  situation by asking for raise. (c) Accept the situation at your end.

 Once you divide these stressors, write out   five short action plan for each situation.  For example choosing to change an unpleasant  situation with your co worker, math out exactly how you are going to do that.  Move your desk or If it is very bad.  May be, you talk to your supervisors . Remember acceptance is necessarily  avoidance  sometimes dealing with stress is simple  as learning how to put  frustration in to prospective.  Follow the way and I  am sure, you will   identify your top five stressors better yet you are going to make  it different.  That is a huge accomplishment because you have transformed negative element of your life in to opportunities to re-engage and grow. Lets re cap.

 Now you observe,  you can completely avoid work place stress.  But you can’t deal it with in a more productive way. Excess stress can lead  higher blood pressure and even diabetics. Divide  those in to three very specific category  and these are remove , accept and change.  Then figure out concrete plan  to eliminate these stressor  successfully.


Saturday, 17 January 2015

Long Term Effects of Stress on Your Body

Do you have any idea how long term stress affects on human body ? Stress that triggers  our primary flight and flight stress response. Perhaps you can not imagine the enormous negative impact of stress on your body. Many of you lead  a stressful life and build the effect of  stress every single day.Over time you put  excess strain on your  body and consistence stress complain seeds in your body that can lead a very serious long term illness.

 When life stresses are constant, your stress response  and your fighter flight  response stays activated and put excess strain on your psychology and can do some really serious damage to your body. Its no surprise that you hear more and more  about people suffering from heart diseases, stroke, cancer, diabetics and more. Lets take a look now how consistence stress    on your body  over time contribute to this serious illnesses. How it increases heart stress and  blood pressure. You  put excess strain on your heart and your blood pressure increases. This stress on your heart  circulatory system over time can lead a heart attack and  coronary heart diseases. The American Heart Association states that one American  dies every forty seconds from cardiac vascular diseases, It increases blood clotting and underscores blood clot that prevents free flow of blood through your body when your stress. Over time the increasing in clotting sticky lets in your blood can also lead your  heart attack and stroke. According to American heart association stroke cover one every 19 deaths in the united states. Decrease immunity, under stress your Immunol system is suppressed.

 Over time consistence activation of  this stress response in reduction in your immunity can lead to cancer, infection and other serious diseases.  American Cancer Society website currently estimates that one out of two every two men are respiratory developing cancer in their life time. The risk for women is one out of three. Suppressed digestion If you are consistently stress, your digestive system can be suppressed. Over time this  can lead weight gain, digestive disturbances even obese. The American Heart Association estimates that 115.47 million adults are over weight or obesity in United States. And 154.7 million and 23,9 million children in United States are overweight and obese. American Gastro Intrological Association estimates that 33% of people in the United States have acid re flux disease. Stress increases the blood sugar through out our bodies. Over time this increases in your blood sugar level can lead a diabetics, obesity, kidney failure, nerve damages and even vision problems.

The American Diabetic Association estimates that 25.8 million children and adults (8.3% of the American Population) have diabetics.8.3% of the Entire population decreases anti aging growth hormone. Over time if you are stressed regularly, your body continues to reduce the flow of  anti aging growth hormone. There are many studies  that shows that the reduction of this growth hormone can lead to pre-mature aging. So under stress you age faster, reduction of sex hormone, stress  reduce. There are significant research how stress drive our  Sex hormone libido.

 For long term this  can have serious impact on our self image and relationship. So stress free life is a must for our best survival. You all need to be fully aware of the long term effect of stress on the body. If you like to lead a harmonious life, you need to keep physically, mentally and emotionally fit.


Thursday, 15 January 2015

About Stress That You Need To Know

Everyone needs a little stress in their life to perform. What do you think ? Without enough tension it goes seriously up to but too much stress or tension turns bad. In fact it brings bad news for  your body. You need to know about the stress as well as the trick that keeps stress under control and in balance. But what is stress anyway . How does it affect in to your body and mind and what can you do about it ?
 Let look inside the human body so you can see first hand exactly what stress is. First of all stress is a topic of feeling and action to a certain situation. Stress can feel like butterfly in your stomach. Worry, cranky, headache, hard to concentrate and jumpy are some symptoms. You may think all the stress happen in your mind but actually researchers show that your entire body can be affected by stress. Lets take a closer look. When you are in counter attack  and perceive thread or placed in a stressful situation. The  hypothalamus tiny  reason which is  the basic of your brain set up an alarm system in your body though a combination of nerve and hormonal system. This system punch in to endocrine gland  located top of your kidney to release a serge of hormone including   adrenal and cortisol. Adrenal increased your heart break,  alleviate  your blood pressure and boost energy supply. Cortisol primary stress hormone increases sugar and  glucose in the blood stream. This natural reaction is called the stress response and you can help us a lot when  you are in a clinical situation All of these stage reaction enhance a person’s ability to perform well under pressure.  In a mild reform or  in a mange situation, the stress response can help you concentrate  better and perform better  for re-settle an athletic event or even a test .The problem is the  body that does not always resettle itself to normal. And over the long term if  the body is  constantly on age.  You may face the health problem. The good news is, you have a lot of way to control stress and get  in to what stress way out. You can make a plan to mange stress  and keep it working for you. How can you buzz stress ? Sleep ! Sleep is the time when your brain and  body recharge , listening or play music is a good stress  reliever. laughter! laugh  fire up to cool down your stress response and  increases your heart rate and blood pressure and also produce a good relax feeling, ask for help, just by asking a trusting adult for help ,  you will be able to tune your stress response down and urge. Make up a pro athletic and  try out  relaxation exercise like deep breathing , do exercise and stay active. Remember just like sleep, exercise chills your  stress response. Be a problem solver , get proactive and make  a plan to help a minute  stressful situation like home work or other challenges you might face.

So what is for you , if you learn to master your stress and turn out a relaxation response, you will concentrated better,   you might find tester easier to take, you will be in a better mood and guess what if you keep it up over all  life time you might even healthier  too . Too much stress can bring on illness or increase the severity of them like  diabetics and heart diseases. Every person is different so you need to experiment which stress with the strategy is best for you. So it is immensely important to know the stress in details.