Do you have any idea how long term stress affects on human body ? Stress that triggers our primary flight and flight stress response. Perhaps you can not imagine the enormous negative impact of stress on your body. Many of you lead a stressful life and build the effect of stress every single day.Over time you put excess strain on your body and consistence stress complain seeds in your body that can lead a very serious long term illness.
When life stresses are constant, your stress
response and your fighter flight response stays activated and put excess strain
on your psychology and can do some really serious damage to your body. Its no
surprise that you hear more and more
about people suffering from heart diseases, stroke, cancer, diabetics
and more. Lets take a look now how consistence stress on your
body over time contribute to this
serious illnesses. How it increases heart stress and blood pressure. You put excess strain on your heart and your blood
pressure increases. This stress on your heart circulatory system over time can lead a heart
attack and coronary heart diseases. The
American Heart Association states that one American dies every forty seconds from cardiac vascular
diseases, It increases blood clotting and underscores blood clot that prevents
free flow of blood through your body when your stress. Over time the increasing
in clotting sticky lets in your blood can also lead your heart attack and stroke. According to American
heart association stroke cover one every 19 deaths in the united states. Decrease
immunity, under stress your Immunol system is suppressed.
Over time consistence activation of this stress response in reduction in your
immunity can lead to cancer, infection and other serious diseases. American Cancer Society website currently
estimates that one out of two every two men are respiratory developing cancer in
their life time. The risk for women is one out of three. Suppressed digestion If
you are consistently stress, your digestive system can be suppressed. Over time
this can lead weight gain, digestive
disturbances even obese. The American Heart Association estimates that 115.47
million adults are over weight or obesity in United States. And 154.7 million
and 23,9 million children in United States are overweight and obese. American
Gastro Intrological Association estimates that 33% of people in the United
States have acid re flux disease. Stress increases the blood sugar through out
our bodies. Over time this increases in your blood sugar level can lead a
diabetics, obesity, kidney failure, nerve damages and even vision problems.
The American
Diabetic Association estimates that 25.8 million children and adults (8.3% of
the American Population) have diabetics.8.3% of the Entire population decreases
anti aging growth hormone. Over time if you are stressed regularly, your body
continues to reduce the flow of anti aging
growth hormone. There are many studies
that shows that the reduction of this growth hormone can lead to pre-mature aging. So under stress you age faster, reduction of sex hormone, stress reduce. There are significant research how
stress drive our Sex hormone libido.
For long term this can have serious impact on our self image and
relationship. So stress free life is a must for our best survival. You all need
to be fully aware of the long term effect of stress on the body. If you like to
lead a harmonious life, you need to keep physically, mentally and emotionally
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