Thursday, 15 January 2015

About Stress That You Need To Know

Everyone needs a little stress in their life to perform. What do you think ? Without enough tension it goes seriously up to but too much stress or tension turns bad. In fact it brings bad news for  your body. You need to know about the stress as well as the trick that keeps stress under control and in balance. But what is stress anyway . How does it affect in to your body and mind and what can you do about it ?
 Let look inside the human body so you can see first hand exactly what stress is. First of all stress is a topic of feeling and action to a certain situation. Stress can feel like butterfly in your stomach. Worry, cranky, headache, hard to concentrate and jumpy are some symptoms. You may think all the stress happen in your mind but actually researchers show that your entire body can be affected by stress. Lets take a closer look. When you are in counter attack  and perceive thread or placed in a stressful situation. The  hypothalamus tiny  reason which is  the basic of your brain set up an alarm system in your body though a combination of nerve and hormonal system. This system punch in to endocrine gland  located top of your kidney to release a serge of hormone including   adrenal and cortisol. Adrenal increased your heart break,  alleviate  your blood pressure and boost energy supply. Cortisol primary stress hormone increases sugar and  glucose in the blood stream. This natural reaction is called the stress response and you can help us a lot when  you are in a clinical situation All of these stage reaction enhance a person’s ability to perform well under pressure.  In a mild reform or  in a mange situation, the stress response can help you concentrate  better and perform better  for re-settle an athletic event or even a test .The problem is the  body that does not always resettle itself to normal. And over the long term if  the body is  constantly on age.  You may face the health problem. The good news is, you have a lot of way to control stress and get  in to what stress way out. You can make a plan to mange stress  and keep it working for you. How can you buzz stress ? Sleep ! Sleep is the time when your brain and  body recharge , listening or play music is a good stress  reliever. laughter! laugh  fire up to cool down your stress response and  increases your heart rate and blood pressure and also produce a good relax feeling, ask for help, just by asking a trusting adult for help ,  you will be able to tune your stress response down and urge. Make up a pro athletic and  try out  relaxation exercise like deep breathing , do exercise and stay active. Remember just like sleep, exercise chills your  stress response. Be a problem solver , get proactive and make  a plan to help a minute  stressful situation like home work or other challenges you might face.

So what is for you , if you learn to master your stress and turn out a relaxation response, you will concentrated better,   you might find tester easier to take, you will be in a better mood and guess what if you keep it up over all  life time you might even healthier  too . Too much stress can bring on illness or increase the severity of them like  diabetics and heart diseases. Every person is different so you need to experiment which stress with the strategy is best for you. So it is immensely important to know the stress in details.

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